
Volunteers Who Make a Difference

Volunteers Who Make  a Difference

Rural residents more-so women and children hardly access the basic health-care they need. This is major because of a number of factors including high illiteracy levels, intense poverty, social stigmas, and trust issues, etc. All these factors play a part in worsening the dangers associated with poor health outcomes.

Rural residents should be able to conveniently have access to primary care, emergency care, public health, and wellness services with confidence.

Health charity the Hope for Tomorrow

Health charity the Hope for Tomorrow

Rural residents often encounter barriers to health-care that limit their ability to obtain the care they need. In order for rural residents to have sufficient access, necessary and appropriate health-care services must be available and obtainable in a timely manner. Even when an adequate supply of health-care services exists in the community, there are other factors to consider in terms of health-care access.